Council of Love Fall Equinox 2024
LIVE online! The Autumn Equinox Webinar with Linda Dillon is on Sept. 22 @ 11 am ET. "Replay" will be available.
The Autumn Equinox is a time to tend and harvest; restore and rebalance. It is a time for us to come together in community to thank our Mothers above and below for providing a good harvest to sustain us not only through winter but through our continued heart-journey homeward.
The Divine Mother has shared that the topic of RESET will be the focus of our Autumn Equinox 90 minute webinar. As we come to the harvest season of 2024, in the Mother's declared year of Unity, are we prepared to reap the fruits of all of our labor for ourselves, each other, Gaia and All? As new interdimensional doorways are opened prepared, excited to step through?
This incredible day, when the sun shines brightly on the equator, we are reminded of the balance of light and dark within and without, above and below; what it means to be both empty and full. We pause to come together heart to heart to heart to celebrate the gifts of Gaia and each other, to embrace Unity, to refresh our energies for what lies ahead, and to welcome the next unfoldment in our individual and collective journeys.
During our Autumn Equinox Webinar, the Council of Love will use channeled messages, reflection and meditation to renew our connection to all of Gaia, and to bring the heat and light to the season to come.
The webinar, hosted by Linda Dillon, is the perfect opportunity to pause, reset and connect with your heart family. Come as you are - because you are perfect!
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